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Frequently asked questions about the Mariner brand evolution.

What is a "Brand Evolution"

A brand evolution is an exciting initiative that reimagines and elevates the existing Mariner brand.

We are updating and aligning three aspects of our brand:

  • Structure: How we name our services.
  • Position: How we talk about Mariner in the marketplace.
  • Identity: How Mariner works and looks as a system.
What isn’t changing for the company?

Many elements of our brand will stay the same, as they signal our unity and drive our day-to-day work. This includes:

  • Our Purpose: To positively impact the lives of many
  • Our Core Values: Caring, Loyalty, Keeping Promises, Belonging, Excellence, Optimism and Abundance
  • Our Organizational Pillars: Always-On Access to Excellence, Fast Intentional Growth, and Best-In-Class Experience and Culture.
What does it take to develop a “Brand Evolution?”

This work is informed by months of competitive audits, vision-setting exercises, feedback and interviews with key stakeholders and leaders across our organization.

Why did we feel a “Brand Evolution” was important for Mariner?

As a leading financial services firm, we are organizing our portfolio for growth. It is important to present our brand in a way that matches the energy, confidence and sophistication with which we conduct business.

How does this position us for growth?
  • This improved structure, language and identity positions us for the future and helps us communicate our ambitions to clients, advisors, associates, the media and our communities.
  • It differentiates us from the competition.
  • It will help us attract advisors and clients that are right for us.
Why are we changing the name of the brand?
  • We wanted to simplify our name and make it easier for us to talk about our organization.
  • As a singular word, “Mariner” signals strength, leadership and ownership of our category.
  • It is consistent with how our workforce describes us today and communicates to the world that we are a unified, connected force.
  • It also allows for flexibility to evolve and expand as an organization built for the future.
What other name changes can we expect?

We have changed the way we refer to certain divisions within our organization, which are as follows:

  • Mariner Ultra — Formerly AdvicePeriod (W2)
  • Mariner Independent — Formerly Mariner Advisor Network, Custom Portfolio Group (CPG)
  • Mariner Institutional — Formerly Retirement Plan Solutions
  • Mariner Workplace — Formerly Mariner Financial Wellness, Corporate Offerings
What does it mean for our organizational structure?

This brand evolution does not impact our organizational structure. 

How will these changes be implemented?

Throughout the next year, you’ll see this brand evolution come to life across internal and external touchpoints —  from our presentations, sales collateral and daily use materials to business cards, screensavers and email signatures.

We will communicate the phases of this rollout in planned, methodical ways, guiding you every step of the way. There will not be a barrage of changes and action items that interrupt your work.

What changes for my clients?

Your clients may notice new aspects of our visual identity: website imagery, logo, URL, etc.

What changes for me?

Our brand story of growth, unification and empowerment belongs to all of us. This evolution brings us all a story and script to help you talk about Mariner to friends and family, in the marketplace, to the world.

Tactically, your email address will eventually change, as will Mariner’s URL. Forwarding services will make this a seamless transition for everyone impacted by the change. You might not even notice.

What do I need to do?

We’ll guide you every step of the way — just wait for instructions on everything that needs to happen. We know you have questions. Trust us to keep the answers simple.

Q1-Q2 Planned Releases

Introduction to the Brand

Microsite Launch

Happy Hour

Education & Ongoing Training

Ambassador Programs

Building Community

Q2-Q3 Planned Releases

Digital Roll-Out (Limited)

Physical Roll-Out (Limited)

National Marketing Launch

Client Communications

Vendor Communications

Media Announcement

Q3-Q4 Planned Releases

Website Roll-Out (into 2025)

Email Roll-Out (into 2025)

Physical Roll-Out (Limited)

Business Cards Roll-Out

Ongoing Optimizations